Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sunset of wisdom

There is no sunset.. 
There is no rain..

I don't even remember..
what happened to the hands full of apples?
why there is no one around no longer
to come our way 
and speak few words of wisdom 
to you and me?
where the acacias have gone to? 

don't honk please..
the traffic will pass us by

and there is no end..

Translated upon a Farsi version of a poem by Amir Rahimi Ferdosinezhad

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Beyond This World

Hand over my wine..
I'm living beyond this world tonight

He is worried every night
And I'm searching for love in the sky

Hand over my wine..
The night is young

Friends are all drunkards
But I'm living beyond this world

Don't rush
Take in a refreshing breath
Let it immerse you completely
He is worried every night 

Translated upon the Farsi version of a poem by Amir Rahimi Ferdosinezhad

*This one I reckon is meant for my father who spends worrisome nights all the time.*

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From Within

Where should I begin to speak of my tired self?

Darkness from distance 
Calls for another visit once again
Where is the sun?

Tired from within
My wings on fire
But this time bears no ending

Did we yet reach the last judgement day?
Wake me up, 

Because it's nothing but a horrifying nightmare

No need for a climb

This soft turf is still worthwhile 

My Home Town

Where am I from?
From which burnt village did I come from? 
I am from the city where it is closer 
to the heart of the earth.
On the other side, light has a new meaning
The light is brighter

Where am I from?
I am from the city where the grass is greener 
Where I'm filled with happiness 
And joy

O, where did i come from?

Where Do We Find Friends?

There a blissful breeze outside
and the windows are wide open 

Light sets inside my room  
And I wonder..

Where do we find friends?
In the classrooms? 
By the roadsides?

Friends are closer than that
Wrapped in fresh red rose petals 
And a little higher than that 
Right above the free migrant bird